Friday, December 30, 2011

Please Visit Me at NAPW

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If you haven't already done so, I invite you to visit me and QCharm at NAPW. I am pleased to announce achieving "Woman of the Year" status for 2011.
Then, feel free to explore NAPW...especially if you are a small business owner.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Select Autism Merchandise: Improve Your Child's Safety

For those of you with children on the Autism Spectrum, you may spend nearly every waking hour making sure your child is safe and/or worrying about your child's safety. Our son bolted twice...and one of those times I thought he was a gonner. If you haven't done so already, you may want to check out SAM (Select Autism Merchandise) for products designed to keep your child safe. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Powered by Mom: Powered by Mom: Merry Christmas

Just found another cool blog: Powered by Mom: Powered by Mom: Merry Christmas: Powered by Mom: Merry Christmas : Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas, may your day and every day on be filled with love and happiness an...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blog Hop: Mombloggers Weekend Event

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My son and I (my adorable 11 year old with autism) are sitting side by side this evening working quietly on our computers. After working with him (for years) to stop screaming and start enjoying being with us, tonight's "corner office" time together seems like a miracle. What miracle are you witnessing this holiday season? If you are a caregiver of a loved one with special needs, you may have to look for and appreciate the tiniest of signs of progress. My son's behavior has taught me that it's OK to celebrate small miracles...because it helps us pay attention to them even more than we normally would. According to Dr. William Harley (author of His Needs Her Needs), undivided attention is the glue that increases the feeling of love we have for each other. How ironic that my son's autism actually INCREASES our mother-son bond! Join Mombloggers' blog hop this weekend and check out the other bloggers' posts. Enjoy:o)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How You Can Experience Joy with your Loved Ones

I always felt an underlying need to have QCharm's work be more like a non-profit organization than of a retail business. Even though I couldn't quite articulate how QCharm could best serve its community of people living with and caring for those with Autism (besides selling the QCharm Portable and Visual Cueing System), I knewQCharm had a bigger purpose. But I saw other non-profits begging for donations and I thought, "How is that different from begging for sales? I would still have to separate people from their money and still have to market a consumer group made up of overworked, unpaid and exhausted caregivers (for whom I have great empathy)." So this holiday season I plan to articulate how QCharm can best serve its community of caregivers and their loved ones with special needs. The focus will be on setting up and providing systems that caregivers can use at their home and in their community that enable them to experience joy when they are with their loved one. The systems will be delivered through dvds, blog posts, articles published in magazines (Autism Community Magazine for starters), and website updates/links, etc. Meanwhile, my son Adam wants to Pie me in the face this holiday season:o)
How would you like to create peace in your home and community outings so you can experience joy with your loved ones?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Quote from the author of E-Myth Revisited (Michael Gerber): "...the people who are exceptionally good in business aren't so because of what they know but because of their insatiable need to know more."

My son, Adam, asked me to type this quote on his computer (he likes to mirror my "homework"). After he printed out his paper with the above quote, he declared that he was going to take this to school and read it to class. I said he should write his name on the he added his name to the end of the quote so it ends up reading "the people who are...good in business...because of their insatiable need to know more Adam." :o)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Jason Witten's Score Foundation

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Heartwarming: Jason Witten using his spotlight and leadership to shine on and to serve his community. This Dallas Cowboy player, who came from a tough home life, rose up from his situation and now uses his experiences and empathy to show others that there are people who care for them and support them. You may want to check into this foundation. How do you use your skills to serve others??

This is why I Blog About Products

The Happiness Project: "Catalogs. Don't Look At 'Em. Big Time Suck."

I have always loved searching for cool ideas/products and I can easily kill time thumbing through catalogs. It's kind of validating when you see a product that was created for any of your daily routine hassles. But if I am gonna spend time looking for smart, creative and unique products, I am going to make it worth my time by spreading the word. That is why I have created this others who need products but don't want to spend time searching can quickly find what I have discovered. What part of your daily routine drives you crazy/feels like it could be done more easily??

Food is a Love Language: Instant Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle

Check out this delicious recipe...the blogger even included alternate ingredient options.

Food is a Love Language: Instant Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle: photo by Christina Williams This trifle couldn't be easier, and I'm telling you, when you taste it your eyes will roll back into your h...

Monday, December 5, 2011

UNH Magazine: Matching Memories & Dreams

UNH Magazine: Matching Memories & Dreams

Who motivates you to live your dreams or to create new ones? I am a UNH alum and my education for Occupational Therapy allowed me to live both planned career paths and unplanned entrepreneur paths.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Check Out Blog with Give-Aways

This blog I found through SeededBuzz is like Holiday eye candy. If you are crafty (or wish you were), check out her blog. What are your holiday crafts and ideas?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

In-House Window Bird Feeder - Plow & Hearth

In-House Window Bird Feeder - Plow & Hearth

So there ARE other people who have the same challenge that our son has placed upon us:o) He wants to have pet birds and we want to have window bird feeders that let him see wild birds. Plow and Hearth has a window feeder with a curved in area for the birds to be "in" your house. What a hoot! How do you solve your pet challenges?

You tube video: Christmas lights w/ music

Exteme Xmas Lights Absecon 2010 - YouTube

I have no idea how people find the time to do all of this lighting and music. How do you decorate for the holidays. I'm still searching for my son's unavailable dvd for the 300th time...ahhh!

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Happiness Project: My new strategy for making friends: the “Hey, you’re my long-lost pal from camp!” technique.

The Happiness Project: My new strategy for making friends: the “Hey, you’re my long-lost pal from camp!” technique.

To follow up on what I just described in my last post, (having to choose to be happy), here is an excellent post by Gretchen on how to behave your way to feeling friendly/happy. Dr. Phil calls this "behave your way to success." Other authors have explained that actions teach your body to feel...and your thoughts drive those actions. Share an example of how you behave your way to feeling happy/friendly...especially on those difficult days.

The Happiness Project: Paradoxes of Happinesss: the sadness of a Happiness Project.

The Happiness Project: Paradoxes of Happinesss: the sadness of a Happiness Project.

Gretchen says it every thing there is a second side. In this case, the other side of happiness is sadness. In her post she describes how it is sad to realize what you are not ie. not one to jump on a plane to Europe, etc. I can relate because as a mother of a child with autism, I set aside many personal dreams so I could give him more peaceful, undivided attention. I have taught myself to appreciate how my son has enriched my life (ie. his humor); however, I still battle with the thoughts and dreams of doing something more exciting and meaningful than what I currently do. Being happy is a choice and it's easier to choose on energetic days than on stressful ones. How do you enrich your daily life?

New Book Coming: Money & Happiness

Please check out Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project blog and products. In this blog post, Gretchen features a new book that looks like something we women could use. If anything can help us reduce money related anxiety, I am willing to give it a try:o) Let me know your strategies.

Resource QCharm Portable & Visual Cueing System has been created.

Resource <em>QCharm Portable & Visual Cueing System</em> has been created.

I invite you to visit Autism Speaks' web site and resource "center. " If you are a provider, fill out their submission form. If you are looking for services, enjoy browsing and discovering.

Higher Purpose: Serving Others

Tell us about your buzz on: Build an ARK: Spreading Acts of Random Kindness | SeededBuzz

Another great blog post in SeededBuzz...It's so refreshing to read about others whose model is not that of bringing in money to make themselves feel more important, but of giving their skills and time to help others. Who else has examples of Acts of Random Kindness? I'd love to be inspired by your stories.

Promotional marketing ideas from Flat World Design to help you 'Tilt the Playing Field to Your Advantage.' — Flat World Design Blog

Promotional marketing ideas from Flat World Design to help you 'Tilt the Playing Field to Your Advantage.' — Flat World Design Blog

More examples of serving others by paying attention to others' needs and giving your time. What are some ways in which you share your time, talents and possessions with others?

Tell us about your buzz on: What motivates people to work hard and make a difference? | SeededBuzz

Tell us about your buzz on: What motivates people to work hard and make a difference? | SeededBuzz

Autonomy + Mastery + Purpose These are the three motivations for those who perform work that involves creativity, higher cognitive skills (vs. repetitive, step by step tasks).

What does good karma have to do with successfully leveraging the power of social media to extend customer reach and retention? | | NextGen VIT NextGen VIT

What does good karma have to do with successfully leveraging the power of social media to extend customer reach and retention? | | NextGen VIT NextGen VIT
Have you ever felt bored while grocery shopping until your cell phone rings and your friend asks you to get a few items for her? Then all of a sudden your boredom gives way to energy as you now find yourself shopping with a higher purpose.

This article, written by a woman business owner, describes exactly what I believe...that giving away our time, talents and possessions enables us to perform for a bigger purpose rather than just work for ourselves. That's why I have been posting about products and services that I am fortunate to come across. Based on my personal and professional experiences, I am able to assess how an item or service will be helpful...especially for those who care for loved ones with special needs. There are few if any T.V. commercials for products geared to help those with special needs, so I want to help bridge that gap. For example, have you seen a commercial for what to give your loved one with autism for Christmas?? If you have a product or service, I would love to hear from you.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Today Show: Sister Owned Dog Treat Business

Like I mentioned in the previous post, you can take your idea and create a business. Focus on your intentions and product and the results will follow. How do you market your ideas or products?

Today Show Segment: New Business Model

As a small business owner whose personality is one of a volunteer vs. entrepreneur, I am glad to see that even the high powered, wealthy and once-upon-a-time capitalists offer an alternative, altruistic business model. Check out this video of Matt Lauer's interview with Richard Branson. Or, check out Mr. Branson's new book "Screw Business As Usual." I realize it's may be hard to believe that small business owners can be altruistic (because profit is so key to the bottom line), but I do believe that if one behaves in positive ways that help others, then profits will follow. Are you a business owner? What are your business methods and models? Are you someone who wants to try to own a business? You may also want to read this book, as well as "Don't Worry. Make Money" (see my previous post: Inspirational: Author: Must Read Books")