Thursday, April 28, 2011

QCharm: How to Place & Remove Charms

To Place the charm (which shows a single image visual cue) onto the wristband,
Stretch the Band and Slide Band into Backside of Charm

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Minnesota (or "TinySota" as termed in the new movie, RIO) has a lot to offer. Now it's recognized for offering excellent support for families dealing with Autism. I've visited MN but only during the summer. Living in WI was hard enough but I guess if you can access autism services in their tough winters, it would be worth relocating. Our good friend and business collaborator, Mike St. Martin, lives in MN...which is where we purchase our charms for our QCharm Portable & Visual Cueing System. (, We also work with Kelly Savage, whose MN home/business is One day I would like to experience Mall of America with my son with autism. That would be a wild time:-) Have you ever been to Mall of America? With a child who has autism?? I'd love to hear your stories.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church launches S.O.A.R. program

Easter Sunday turned out to be a great day to spread the word about our new ministry program, S.O.A.R. The church's goal is to Server Others with Abundant ResourcesDLM and we invite everyone to Seek Out Abundant ResourcesDLM.  As an invitation, we set up a table and offered various to anyone. Most interesting was how hard it was to convince people that these items were free. We also handed out flyers to invite people to Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, reinforcing Pastor Schaefer's commitment to encourage ALL people to receive the blessings and benefits that come from worship and fellowship. 
If you live in the Bryan/College Station, TX area, we would love to meet with you and help you discover a loving church family.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

S.O.A.R. with Us!

I am inviting local and online businesses and individuals to help Our Saviour's Lutheran Church (College Station, TX) unite caregivers with resources that make daily tasks easier. Please read the flyer then contact me for details. Thank you.

Breathable Baby Mesh Crib Bumper

For those of you who have infants, will have infant(s), or want to give a baby shower gift, you may want to check out this mesh crib bumper. My boys are grown (well, they are 11 and 14) so we have made it through those sleepless nights filled with worry (at least in terms of them breathing while they sleep). Let me know if you try this and if you like it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Arc of Texas: Autism Now Summit

The Arc of Texas: Autism Now Summit

We are fortunate that this Autism summit is hosted not only in Texas, but also in a variety of other locations around the nation (ie. P.G. County MD, Indianapolis, IN).

Check out your local ARC chapter and discover resources for families dealing with autism and other cognitive disorders.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Desperate for Respite charity organization...check it out.

We need more organizations like Desperate for Respite. Check out this organization and let me know what organizations you utilize.

Urgent: For those of you who vote in College Station, TX, please visit You will meet and learn about candidate James Lancaster and discover his support for our teachers and students. Between Mr. Lancaster's experience in the business world and his passion for improving lives through education, he is the candidate who has the vision and drive to meet the needs of our teachers and students.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gardens - The Martha Stewart Blog

Gardens - The Martha Stewart Blog

Being a caregiver means you have to work hard to relax. Between my allergy to grass and my son's autism-behavior, I have just discovered ways to relax...taking Alegra-D & Nasonex and reaping the benefits of years of behavior modification. My backyard and gardens will never meet Martha Stewart's standards, but it will benefit from her ideas and resources. Example, Miracle Grow and Scott's mulch plus lawn fertilizer makes my backyard a relaxing retreat from the daily grind. This is the first year I have enjoyed swinging on the back porch Sky Chair and gazing at a lush lawn and vibrant flowers. Luckily our neighbors have a pool with a fountain so they provide the water fall sound:) What are your secrets to relaxing, gardening and fighting allergies???