Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Online Store - QCharm - College Station, TX

Online Store - QCharm - College Station, TX

As summer draws near, the structure of a school day collapses. Are you ready to create summer-time structure? I invite you to check out our QCharm Portable and Visual Cueing System at http://www.qcharm.com. Our wristband/interchangeable charms display Boardmaker images so you can arm yourself with visual cues and capture teachable moments. Where ever you and your loved ones find yourselves this summer, you can easily manage and discretely reference visual cues to help with communication, behavior, sensory processing, and socialization. We have nearly 200 ready-to-print Boardmaker images...you can either order our pre-fab kits or customize your own kits. Contact us at info@qcharm.com or visit qcharm.com. We will be glad to help you structure your summer.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!!!

For many moms, especially those who have children with special needs, "Happy" Mother's Day is a relative term. We have to choose to be happy and many obstacles make it hard to make that choice. Check out this blog from Gretchen Rubin. You will have access to many ideas that can make it easier to choose to be Happy.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Getting to know Google Docs - Google Docs basics

Getting to know Google Docs - Google Docs basics

Who has experience with Google Docs? I would like to hear your feedback as I am considering trying this avenue.

Impressive candidate for CSISD Board Place 6, James Lancaster


If you live in College Station, TX and have a child or children in the CSISD, please consider supporting and voting for James Lancaster. As a mother of a child with Autism in the CSISD and as a new small business owner, I have first hand personal and professional experience working with James Lancaster. For more information on his skills and accomplishments, please click on the link and read the letter.

Monday, May 2, 2011

bin Laden's Death: Today's News Stopped Us in Our Tracks...Just Like 9/11 Stopped Us

When 9/11 hit, I remember sitting still with my co-workers while watching the news. At first, when I was walking up the hall of the nursing home in which I worked as an OT, I caught a glimpse of a resident's room TV. I thought, "What is that terrible movie???" Then I noticed that every TV had the same images. We stopped giving therapy and just sat and watched. When I finally got home, I sat some more. Stunned. When my son with Autism threw a pool ball at my head, I heard the sound of the impact but didn't feel it until the next day. When I heard the news last night and then woke up to more details re: bin Laden's death, I found myself sitting again. Glued to the TV for details, insights, descriptions, and worldwide reaction, I felt blessed that the sacrifices made by our military and their families has paid off...big time. Were you able to get any work done today???