Thursday, December 2, 2010

Activities to Jump Start Your Day

To help you get more oxygen to your brain (which is crucial for concentration, creativity, stress reduction), here are some ways I help my son get ready for school (and he gets picked up by the school bus at 7:00 am!): 1) Lighting~20 minutes before I ask him to get out of bed, I turn on his room's light to get the wake-up hormones flowing; 2) Aromas~ Each night we wash dishes and take out trash so there are no nasty odors to trigger an outburst...from either him or me:-); 3)Routine~Each morning we go through the same closely as he knows what to expect and so he can cheerfully transition out of the house to the bus; 4)Oxygen~Lately he and I have been playing ping pong to increase his breathing and blood circulation (which increases brain power and mood). Please share your ideas!

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