Friday, December 30, 2011

Please Visit Me at NAPW

Share this Profile

If you haven't already done so, I invite you to visit me and QCharm at NAPW. I am pleased to announce achieving "Woman of the Year" status for 2011.
Then, feel free to explore NAPW...especially if you are a small business owner.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Select Autism Merchandise: Improve Your Child's Safety

For those of you with children on the Autism Spectrum, you may spend nearly every waking hour making sure your child is safe and/or worrying about your child's safety. Our son bolted twice...and one of those times I thought he was a gonner. If you haven't done so already, you may want to check out SAM (Select Autism Merchandise) for products designed to keep your child safe. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Powered by Mom: Powered by Mom: Merry Christmas

Just found another cool blog: Powered by Mom: Powered by Mom: Merry Christmas: Powered by Mom: Merry Christmas : Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas, may your day and every day on be filled with love and happiness an...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blog Hop: Mombloggers Weekend Event

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My son and I (my adorable 11 year old with autism) are sitting side by side this evening working quietly on our computers. After working with him (for years) to stop screaming and start enjoying being with us, tonight's "corner office" time together seems like a miracle. What miracle are you witnessing this holiday season? If you are a caregiver of a loved one with special needs, you may have to look for and appreciate the tiniest of signs of progress. My son's behavior has taught me that it's OK to celebrate small miracles...because it helps us pay attention to them even more than we normally would. According to Dr. William Harley (author of His Needs Her Needs), undivided attention is the glue that increases the feeling of love we have for each other. How ironic that my son's autism actually INCREASES our mother-son bond! Join Mombloggers' blog hop this weekend and check out the other bloggers' posts. Enjoy:o)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How You Can Experience Joy with your Loved Ones

I always felt an underlying need to have QCharm's work be more like a non-profit organization than of a retail business. Even though I couldn't quite articulate how QCharm could best serve its community of people living with and caring for those with Autism (besides selling the QCharm Portable and Visual Cueing System), I knewQCharm had a bigger purpose. But I saw other non-profits begging for donations and I thought, "How is that different from begging for sales? I would still have to separate people from their money and still have to market a consumer group made up of overworked, unpaid and exhausted caregivers (for whom I have great empathy)." So this holiday season I plan to articulate how QCharm can best serve its community of caregivers and their loved ones with special needs. The focus will be on setting up and providing systems that caregivers can use at their home and in their community that enable them to experience joy when they are with their loved one. The systems will be delivered through dvds, blog posts, articles published in magazines (Autism Community Magazine for starters), and website updates/links, etc. Meanwhile, my son Adam wants to Pie me in the face this holiday season:o)
How would you like to create peace in your home and community outings so you can experience joy with your loved ones?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Quote from the author of E-Myth Revisited (Michael Gerber): "...the people who are exceptionally good in business aren't so because of what they know but because of their insatiable need to know more."

My son, Adam, asked me to type this quote on his computer (he likes to mirror my "homework"). After he printed out his paper with the above quote, he declared that he was going to take this to school and read it to class. I said he should write his name on the he added his name to the end of the quote so it ends up reading "the people who are...good in business...because of their insatiable need to know more Adam." :o)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Jason Witten's Score Foundation

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Heartwarming: Jason Witten using his spotlight and leadership to shine on and to serve his community. This Dallas Cowboy player, who came from a tough home life, rose up from his situation and now uses his experiences and empathy to show others that there are people who care for them and support them. You may want to check into this foundation. How do you use your skills to serve others??

This is why I Blog About Products

The Happiness Project: "Catalogs. Don't Look At 'Em. Big Time Suck."

I have always loved searching for cool ideas/products and I can easily kill time thumbing through catalogs. It's kind of validating when you see a product that was created for any of your daily routine hassles. But if I am gonna spend time looking for smart, creative and unique products, I am going to make it worth my time by spreading the word. That is why I have created this others who need products but don't want to spend time searching can quickly find what I have discovered. What part of your daily routine drives you crazy/feels like it could be done more easily??

Food is a Love Language: Instant Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle

Check out this delicious recipe...the blogger even included alternate ingredient options.

Food is a Love Language: Instant Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle: photo by Christina Williams This trifle couldn't be easier, and I'm telling you, when you taste it your eyes will roll back into your h...

Monday, December 5, 2011

UNH Magazine: Matching Memories & Dreams

UNH Magazine: Matching Memories & Dreams

Who motivates you to live your dreams or to create new ones? I am a UNH alum and my education for Occupational Therapy allowed me to live both planned career paths and unplanned entrepreneur paths.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Check Out Blog with Give-Aways

This blog I found through SeededBuzz is like Holiday eye candy. If you are crafty (or wish you were), check out her blog. What are your holiday crafts and ideas?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

In-House Window Bird Feeder - Plow & Hearth

In-House Window Bird Feeder - Plow & Hearth

So there ARE other people who have the same challenge that our son has placed upon us:o) He wants to have pet birds and we want to have window bird feeders that let him see wild birds. Plow and Hearth has a window feeder with a curved in area for the birds to be "in" your house. What a hoot! How do you solve your pet challenges?

You tube video: Christmas lights w/ music

Exteme Xmas Lights Absecon 2010 - YouTube

I have no idea how people find the time to do all of this lighting and music. How do you decorate for the holidays. I'm still searching for my son's unavailable dvd for the 300th time...ahhh!

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Happiness Project: My new strategy for making friends: the “Hey, you’re my long-lost pal from camp!” technique.

The Happiness Project: My new strategy for making friends: the “Hey, you’re my long-lost pal from camp!” technique.

To follow up on what I just described in my last post, (having to choose to be happy), here is an excellent post by Gretchen on how to behave your way to feeling friendly/happy. Dr. Phil calls this "behave your way to success." Other authors have explained that actions teach your body to feel...and your thoughts drive those actions. Share an example of how you behave your way to feeling happy/friendly...especially on those difficult days.

The Happiness Project: Paradoxes of Happinesss: the sadness of a Happiness Project.

The Happiness Project: Paradoxes of Happinesss: the sadness of a Happiness Project.

Gretchen says it every thing there is a second side. In this case, the other side of happiness is sadness. In her post she describes how it is sad to realize what you are not ie. not one to jump on a plane to Europe, etc. I can relate because as a mother of a child with autism, I set aside many personal dreams so I could give him more peaceful, undivided attention. I have taught myself to appreciate how my son has enriched my life (ie. his humor); however, I still battle with the thoughts and dreams of doing something more exciting and meaningful than what I currently do. Being happy is a choice and it's easier to choose on energetic days than on stressful ones. How do you enrich your daily life?

New Book Coming: Money & Happiness

Please check out Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project blog and products. In this blog post, Gretchen features a new book that looks like something we women could use. If anything can help us reduce money related anxiety, I am willing to give it a try:o) Let me know your strategies.

Resource QCharm Portable & Visual Cueing System has been created.

Resource <em>QCharm Portable & Visual Cueing System</em> has been created.

I invite you to visit Autism Speaks' web site and resource "center. " If you are a provider, fill out their submission form. If you are looking for services, enjoy browsing and discovering.

Higher Purpose: Serving Others

Tell us about your buzz on: Build an ARK: Spreading Acts of Random Kindness | SeededBuzz

Another great blog post in SeededBuzz...It's so refreshing to read about others whose model is not that of bringing in money to make themselves feel more important, but of giving their skills and time to help others. Who else has examples of Acts of Random Kindness? I'd love to be inspired by your stories.

Promotional marketing ideas from Flat World Design to help you 'Tilt the Playing Field to Your Advantage.' — Flat World Design Blog

Promotional marketing ideas from Flat World Design to help you 'Tilt the Playing Field to Your Advantage.' — Flat World Design Blog

More examples of serving others by paying attention to others' needs and giving your time. What are some ways in which you share your time, talents and possessions with others?

Tell us about your buzz on: What motivates people to work hard and make a difference? | SeededBuzz

Tell us about your buzz on: What motivates people to work hard and make a difference? | SeededBuzz

Autonomy + Mastery + Purpose These are the three motivations for those who perform work that involves creativity, higher cognitive skills (vs. repetitive, step by step tasks).

What does good karma have to do with successfully leveraging the power of social media to extend customer reach and retention? | | NextGen VIT NextGen VIT

What does good karma have to do with successfully leveraging the power of social media to extend customer reach and retention? | | NextGen VIT NextGen VIT
Have you ever felt bored while grocery shopping until your cell phone rings and your friend asks you to get a few items for her? Then all of a sudden your boredom gives way to energy as you now find yourself shopping with a higher purpose.

This article, written by a woman business owner, describes exactly what I believe...that giving away our time, talents and possessions enables us to perform for a bigger purpose rather than just work for ourselves. That's why I have been posting about products and services that I am fortunate to come across. Based on my personal and professional experiences, I am able to assess how an item or service will be helpful...especially for those who care for loved ones with special needs. There are few if any T.V. commercials for products geared to help those with special needs, so I want to help bridge that gap. For example, have you seen a commercial for what to give your loved one with autism for Christmas?? If you have a product or service, I would love to hear from you.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Today Show: Sister Owned Dog Treat Business

Like I mentioned in the previous post, you can take your idea and create a business. Focus on your intentions and product and the results will follow. How do you market your ideas or products?

Today Show Segment: New Business Model

As a small business owner whose personality is one of a volunteer vs. entrepreneur, I am glad to see that even the high powered, wealthy and once-upon-a-time capitalists offer an alternative, altruistic business model. Check out this video of Matt Lauer's interview with Richard Branson. Or, check out Mr. Branson's new book "Screw Business As Usual." I realize it's may be hard to believe that small business owners can be altruistic (because profit is so key to the bottom line), but I do believe that if one behaves in positive ways that help others, then profits will follow. Are you a business owner? What are your business methods and models? Are you someone who wants to try to own a business? You may also want to read this book, as well as "Don't Worry. Make Money" (see my previous post: Inspirational: Author: Must Read Books")

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pediatric Therapy in Texas

If you live in Texas and have a child with special needs, you may want to check out this therapy service.

Personalized Wine Glass

If you want to let someone know they are unique and special, you may want to give them a monogrammed holiday wine glass. This way, every year they open their holiday decorations, they can think of you.  :o)

Solar Powered Water Bowl for Birds and Pets

This is another good an earlier post I explained the benefits of bird watching and what better way to attract birds than with water near a bird feeder? You can create one stop shopping for your backyard birds by using the sun to keep their bowl of water from freezing. Further down the page of the link you will see a dog drinking out of a solar powered pet bowl. Funny thing is, when we lived in Wisconsin, our house got so cold that our indoor dog water bowl's water froze! Our dog's tongue actually stuck to the ice!! How do you deal with the cold?? Do you have any funny stories??

Rolling Snow Shovel - Plow & Hearth

Rolling Snow Shovel - Plow & Hearth

For those of you who do get snow, you may want to try this. I like the idea of having wheels to help propel the shovel and I wish I had this option when I shoveled snow in Wisconsin...when I was pregnant no less. Have you tried it? Let me know if you would recommend this product.

Condo Style Fish Tank: Another Stress Reducer

If you find yourself washing dishes or working at your desk for the gazzillionth time, you may want to try this fish display. I have a beta fish that I gaze at while washing dishes, but I also have another larger fish tank. So having a small tank like this condo would keep cleaning duties to a minimum.

Mirrored Bird Feeder: Watch Birds without Scaring them Away

Nature is a great stress reducer and during this busy time of year, you may want to try this bird feeder. My son and I love to watch the birds...their behaviors, colors, and interactions with each other make for a great way for my son and I to interact with each other. The birds are a nice conversation starter as well as role models for how to focus on the present time.

Mass Mutual Insurance has Plans for Families with Special Needs


Livescribe Pen Records Audio While You Take Notes!

Ok...I could have REALLY used this pen when I was going through school. When you write notes on their special paper, the pen records the voice of the speaker. Then, later on when you review your notes, you just touch the pen to the word you wrote during lecture and the audio plays back what the speaker said when you were writing the notes. How cool is that?!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Go Pack, Go!

One other thing I am very thankful for is the NFL team Green Bay Packers. Congrats on your 11-0 record!! Who are your favorite teams??

Being Thankful for the Life Lessons

For a few years, right after our son with Autism was born, I was convinced his behaviors and needs were my punishment for whatever I had done earlier in my life. Luckily, when the stress broke my spirit, I knew I had no choice but to work with a professional psychologist. Turns out, I found an expert in PTSD,
counseling couples who have children with special needs, and rebuilding one's self-esteem and skill sets. She said one thing that rocked my world...We marry the one who, by his/her behaviors, will help heal our childhood wounds and help us become a better person. Take this idea one step further and I realize that our son, with his needs and behaviors, is a gift to me because he forces me to look deep within myself and discover skills I never knew I possessed. Thank you, Adam. Who in your life forces you to look deep within yourself??

Scentchips: Now Open In College Station, TX!!

Hallelujah:o) Someone took on the challenge of opening their own Scentchips store here in College Station, TX!! I plan to shop there on Small Business Saturday (Nov. 26). If you can find one near you, please shop there. You will be amazed.

This Old Schoolhouse: Homeschool Resource

Even though I am an Occupational Therapist, I have never been courageous enough to try my skills as a home school parent. Please check out this excellent resource (This Old Schoolhouse) if you are or are considering becoming a homeschool parent.

Autism Community Magazine

I invite you to check out the many articles, products and services featured in the Autism Community Magazine. The winter edition is coming out soon, but I thought you might want to start browsing the Fall issue. So if you are a caregiver of a child with Autism, you will find tons of info. If you are a company, you will find a great venue for marketing your products/services. Check it out and let me know what you think. Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Inspirational Author: Must Read Books

Recently I read Richard Carlson's book "Don't Worry, Make Money." This summer, when Texas heat and drought brought on fires in every direction, I knew that if I had to evacuate my house and could only take a few things, this book was coming with me. The book was filled with lessons that improve one's quality of life. Funny thing is, the book also explained how you first need to be happy without money because money itself does not bring happiness. So tonight, when I searched the web for Richard Carlson (to feature in a blog post), I was shocked to read that he had passed away back in the tender age of 45 (which I will be this January). Have you read his books, ie. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"?? 

Visit NAPW

For professional women, please visit this site (National Association of Professional Women). They have quite a bit of resources that you may find beneficial.

Joel Osteen Ministry

Inspiration wallpaper, etc plus blog posts to help you enjoy the holiday season.

Caregiver Resource

For those of you who are already overwhelmed or who want to plan ahead, here is a resource you may want to check out. I like the section which explains your loved ones condition. What are your thoughts?

So glad to see the front story on my iMac newsletter is about apps for special needs. For those reading this post, what apps do you use??

I have been drooling over the pages of this month's Southern Living issue. With its photos and recipes I can almost smell Thanksgiving coming off the pages. Plus, my mother-in-law is in my kitchen cooking up a storm...and she is a Southern Living expert. What are your secret recipes???

Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake...Yum!

For those of you who are like like both pecan and pumpkin pie but can't afford eating 2 slices of is a recipe that looks delicious. It's a combo of the 2 pies so you really can have both pies in one slice! One of my favorite things to do is to combine 2 items or ideas to create a 3rd/unique item or idea. (That is how I came up with the QCharm System...I combined the fashion of the yellow wristband with the function of the visual cues to create the QCharm Portable and Visual Cue System.)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Congratulations to Mollie...creator of Therapals, for being recognized as an "emerging leader." She is extremely innovative and motivated and I strongly recommend her site She has also featured QCharm and I hope that together we can greatly improve our outreach efforts to help those who live with special needs. If you want more information on Therapals or QCharm, please visit our websites or contact me via this blog. I look forward to hearing from you. Plus, if you have a website that serves members of the special needs community, please let me hear your story. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Taming temper tantrums: Are you doing it wrong?

Taming temper tantrums: Are you doing it wrong?

When I saw this segment on the Today show, I thought: It's about time we saw the Positive Support technique on TV. As an Occupational Therapist, I have been blessed to receive education on this technique and have been thankful for my son's Autism that mandates we use the most effective techniques. Check out this segment and let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

For Professionals and children of special needs, I highly recommend this website I just attended the workshop (at the Texas Occupational Therapy Assoc. conference) and was completely inspired by the creator (Mollie). This site is an innovative resource the includes a friendship section and a therapy activity section...both of which are so cool! Try it!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

When Being an Entrepreneur Isn't Sexy

When Being an Entrepreneur Isn't Sexy

I'm composing this post on my iMac...which makes me think of Steve Jobs...and how he lived his life courageously. Being an entrepreneur is something I became once I realized I needed to provide my QCharm Portable & Visual Cueing System to other caregivers. I look up to people like Steve Jobs because when I see what type of obstacles he overcame (including being fired from his own company), I get a reality check and reference point. Just because I have obstacles to overcome and challenges to be creatively solved, doesn't mean I am the only one who has been in any given situation. Being a parent of a child with Autism is often times isolating. Being an entrepreneur of a small business can also be isolating. Combine the 2 and it's easy to feel like you're the only one who has faced uncertainty, steep learning curves & feelings of inadequacy. Steve Jobs was quoted as saying (paraphrased) is that we are on this planet to "make a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why be here." If I could make even a microscopic dent in our universe, I would be pleased. I started my journey (of making a dent) by creating the QCharm and forming QCharm, LLC. I thought those were the 2 finish lines. It's becoming clear to me that they were just the starting lines to a journey that would eventually lead me to blogging, publishing articles (, and public speaking on life and lessons learned as someone who is both a mom and an Occupational Therapist. I can give insights from both sides of the child-with-Autism equation: as the caregiver and as the professional. If you are a caregiver of a loved one with special needs, I would love to hear from you. What lessons have you learned? What unexpected joys has your loved one brought to you? If you are a therapist/medical professional, I would love to hear your opinions and stories of working with a caregiver. (Being a medical professional can also be isolating and "isn't [always] sexy.") If you are an entrepreneur, I am very interested in your stories of working through challenges. What was one of your most creative solutions??? Thank you, Steve Jobs, for not only revolutionizing our technical world, but also our creative thinking model.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Try Decorating for Sensory Processing


If you have children or family members that have a difficult time tolerating environmental conditions (loud colors, bright light, clutter, furniture layout, etc), you may want to check out the new HGTV magazine offer. You get the first issue free and then the other issues at a reduced rate. I don't have time to sit and watch tv so I like to thumb through magazines for ideas while I "chill" with my son. My son, with his autism, has joined me in our efforts to create a living space that is calm yet creative. The other night, when I thought he was sleeping, he actually moved the fish tank! That thing is heavy:) What will he do next???

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Inside AdSense: +1: Now making Display ads more relevant

Inside AdSense: +1: Now making Display ads more relevant: Earlier today we announced several exciting new additions to Google+, including open signups. We’d like to announce one more addition fo...

For us "older" people, learning about the new marketing strategies can be both exciting and frightening. For me, I am of the belief that we are to do for others w/o expecting anything in return. So the new online marketing options bring out the conflict within me. How do you deal with the speed and reduced face-time of today's marketing techniques. Is there a way to sincerely do for others without looking like you are doing something just to get more web traffic?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What are some of your stories of Courage? With the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I would like to focus on the good we saw on that day and the good we see today.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Positive Emotions And Resilience

Positive Emotions And Resilience

I just calculated that by the end of this summer "vacation," my son with Autism and I will have spent 1,230 waking hours together. As caregivers of someone with special needs, you know how exhausting this long term and intense commitment is. This commitment involves one on one supervision, behavior management, social skills development, and sensory processing routines. Summer time used to exploit all of my weaknesses, but this year, after many changes to my personal and professional priorities, I have finally achieved consistent peace and joy. There is still an underlying restlessness to do more things on my own, but my son's progress and sense of humor keep me on track. I believe I will actually make it through the summer without blowing my lid:) [Quote that made me laugh this summer...because I used to get sucked into situations and then get upset: from Mr. Krabs on Songebob: "One more outburst like that out of me and you're fired!" ]

For caregivers, the stress of providing long term care for a loved one has been shown to reduce the immune system. This article explains how we can improve our resilience, which will ultimately allow us to have a more enjoyable experience with our loved one. Let me know your thoughts and how you cope with the daily stressors.

Stanford Who's Who

I am looking forward to networking with other members of the Stanford Who's Who community and utilizing new information to serve caregivers of loved ones with special needs. If you are a caregiver, I would love to hear from you and find ways to help make your life easier and even more enjoyable. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Stress Buster: Create a Mental "Happy Place"

I'm quickly learning how blogging and reading other blog posts is a great way to create and enjoy a mental happy place.
My son and I are 7 weeks into our 12 week summer "break" (not necessarily summer "vacation") and I have to find ways to 
think my own thoughts and not the words of my son (who has autism). I give him lots of credit for inspiring me to see the 
world in new and creative ways; but because he perseverates on his own topics of interests, I find myself feeling like I am 
stuck in a never ending hamster wheel. Luckily my husband encourages me to get out of the house while he cares for our son.But on days when I am locked in to 10 straight hours of caregiving (x5 days a week plus occasional weekends), I take mental breaks. Whether I stare at our front yard and imagine how to improve the landscape, scroll through facebook or twitter, 
or now that I have discovered SeededBuzz, read variety of blog posts, I can improve my ability to remain calm with my son. 
(Even as I write this post my son is sitting next to me and blowing bubbles in my face!)
Do you find that you are able to create peace in any setting?? How do you find/create your happy place?? What about when you are dealing with a challenging do you compose yourself so you can 
avoid reacting to that person's behaviors??

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Life With a Possum: Any Soldier

Life With a Possum: Any Soldier

After jumping off my professional/career ladder in order to provide the time and energy my family required, I'm continually struggling with appreciating domesticity. However, this blogger seems to have her priorities set pretty well. She made me consider how I can spend some of my stay-at-home time and energy. For example, instead of just doing crafts with my son just for the sake of improving his fine motor skills, I could work with him on sending something to a soldier. My son admires soldiers so this would be a great activity. Wouldn't it be cool to incorporate sensory integration activities (for our children with special needs) with soldier care package creation? Or, wouldn't it be cool to capitalize on kids' love of and expertise regarding computer/social media and have them help us design a way to recruit helpful ways to support soldiers and their families?? What are your thoughts, ideas and insights?

Soldiers: Our Nation's Caregivers

The beauty of reading other's blogs is that you can be inspired to think of something that might not have come to mind otherwise. Until I read these last 2 blog posts (see links), I hadn't really thought of soldiers as our nations caregivers. But After reading the first link (re: care packages), I buzzed about that blog post and that's when it hit me. Like this link re: supporting soldiers overseas, we need to put aside our political opinions and realize that our safety is being developed and provided by soldiers. Since one of our main needs as humans is to live, we need to thank and support our soldiers for making it possible for us to live...and to live in a free country. How do you support soldiers? Do you consider them to be caregivers?? How can we make life easier for them??

Support/Care Packages for Soldiers

When I start to feel tired, overworked, under-appreciated, overheated...I start to think about our soldiers who, despite intense and ever present danger, have it way worse than I do. The blogger who posted about providing care packages for soldiers provided quick and easy tips to follow. So even if you are not married to or related to a soldier, you can still help out. Please consider helping a soldier feel appreciated. Tell us about some items that you have or want to send to a soldier. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Biomarker for autism discovered

Biomarker for autism discovered

As a mother of one son diagnosed with Autism (chromosome 15 abnormality) and of one son who does not have autism, I find it interesting to read about how scientists can compare brain activity.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Autism Community Magazine Article: Page 15

I have been fortunate to write articles for this incredible magazine and grateful to learn from other contributors and sponsors. The Autism Community Magazine offers caregivers and professionals a wide variety of information, including resources for everyday needs as well as future planning. Please check out this latest issue, both for my Parenting to Your Fullest Potential article and for the other articles.  

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pocket Full of Therapy: Stretchy Mouse and Cheese

Helping children engage in fun activities to increase hand/finger strength (as well as activity tolerance) can be challenging. But when I saw this therapy product, I had to smile:) Not only can you use this product as-is, but you could also expand the concept by creating other "habitat" obstacles for these mice to squeeze in and out. Planning and creating habitat obstacles would incorporate visual-perceptual, motor planning, coordination, and frustration tolerance skills. 

Gogurt: Cool Idea for Trying New Food

I saw a commercial where the boy is squeezing his Gogurt tube to see how fast the creamy flavor will reach his mouth. This is a great way to help those who are tactile defensive learn to enjoy trying new flavors, textures, food items. Plus, Gogurt eliminates the need for spoons, which may make it more fun for the child to experiment with this food item. Or, if your child depends on spoons to keep food off the lips, you can squeeze the Gogurt into a bowl, cup, etc. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Online Store - QCharm - College Station, TX

Online Store - QCharm - College Station, TX

Finally! I have been able to upload my QCharm sets of 10 charms/2 wristbands sets. Now you can actually see the charms' images, which will help you decide which of these School Tools sets works for you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Online Store - QCharm - College Station, TX

Online Store - QCharm - College Station, TX

As summer draws near, the structure of a school day collapses. Are you ready to create summer-time structure? I invite you to check out our QCharm Portable and Visual Cueing System at Our wristband/interchangeable charms display Boardmaker images so you can arm yourself with visual cues and capture teachable moments. Where ever you and your loved ones find yourselves this summer, you can easily manage and discretely reference visual cues to help with communication, behavior, sensory processing, and socialization. We have nearly 200 ready-to-print Boardmaker can either order our pre-fab kits or customize your own kits. Contact us at or visit We will be glad to help you structure your summer.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!!!

For many moms, especially those who have children with special needs, "Happy" Mother's Day is a relative term. We have to choose to be happy and many obstacles make it hard to make that choice. Check out this blog from Gretchen Rubin. You will have access to many ideas that can make it easier to choose to be Happy.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Getting to know Google Docs - Google Docs basics

Getting to know Google Docs - Google Docs basics

Who has experience with Google Docs? I would like to hear your feedback as I am considering trying this avenue.

Impressive candidate for CSISD Board Place 6, James Lancaster

If you live in College Station, TX and have a child or children in the CSISD, please consider supporting and voting for James Lancaster. As a mother of a child with Autism in the CSISD and as a new small business owner, I have first hand personal and professional experience working with James Lancaster. For more information on his skills and accomplishments, please click on the link and read the letter.

Monday, May 2, 2011

bin Laden's Death: Today's News Stopped Us in Our Tracks...Just Like 9/11 Stopped Us

When 9/11 hit, I remember sitting still with my co-workers while watching the news. At first, when I was walking up the hall of the nursing home in which I worked as an OT, I caught a glimpse of a resident's room TV. I thought, "What is that terrible movie???" Then I noticed that every TV had the same images. We stopped giving therapy and just sat and watched. When I finally got home, I sat some more. Stunned. When my son with Autism threw a pool ball at my head, I heard the sound of the impact but didn't feel it until the next day. When I heard the news last night and then woke up to more details re: bin Laden's death, I found myself sitting again. Glued to the TV for details, insights, descriptions, and worldwide reaction, I felt blessed that the sacrifices made by our military and their families has paid off...big time. Were you able to get any work done today???

Thursday, April 28, 2011

QCharm: How to Place & Remove Charms

To Place the charm (which shows a single image visual cue) onto the wristband,
Stretch the Band and Slide Band into Backside of Charm

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Minnesota (or "TinySota" as termed in the new movie, RIO) has a lot to offer. Now it's recognized for offering excellent support for families dealing with Autism. I've visited MN but only during the summer. Living in WI was hard enough but I guess if you can access autism services in their tough winters, it would be worth relocating. Our good friend and business collaborator, Mike St. Martin, lives in MN...which is where we purchase our charms for our QCharm Portable & Visual Cueing System. (, We also work with Kelly Savage, whose MN home/business is One day I would like to experience Mall of America with my son with autism. That would be a wild time:-) Have you ever been to Mall of America? With a child who has autism?? I'd love to hear your stories.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church launches S.O.A.R. program

Easter Sunday turned out to be a great day to spread the word about our new ministry program, S.O.A.R. The church's goal is to Server Others with Abundant ResourcesDLM and we invite everyone to Seek Out Abundant ResourcesDLM.  As an invitation, we set up a table and offered various to anyone. Most interesting was how hard it was to convince people that these items were free. We also handed out flyers to invite people to Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, reinforcing Pastor Schaefer's commitment to encourage ALL people to receive the blessings and benefits that come from worship and fellowship. 
If you live in the Bryan/College Station, TX area, we would love to meet with you and help you discover a loving church family.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

S.O.A.R. with Us!

I am inviting local and online businesses and individuals to help Our Saviour's Lutheran Church (College Station, TX) unite caregivers with resources that make daily tasks easier. Please read the flyer then contact me for details. Thank you.

Breathable Baby Mesh Crib Bumper

For those of you who have infants, will have infant(s), or want to give a baby shower gift, you may want to check out this mesh crib bumper. My boys are grown (well, they are 11 and 14) so we have made it through those sleepless nights filled with worry (at least in terms of them breathing while they sleep). Let me know if you try this and if you like it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Arc of Texas: Autism Now Summit

The Arc of Texas: Autism Now Summit

We are fortunate that this Autism summit is hosted not only in Texas, but also in a variety of other locations around the nation (ie. P.G. County MD, Indianapolis, IN).

Check out your local ARC chapter and discover resources for families dealing with autism and other cognitive disorders.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Desperate for Respite charity organization...check it out.

We need more organizations like Desperate for Respite. Check out this organization and let me know what organizations you utilize.

Urgent: For those of you who vote in College Station, TX, please visit You will meet and learn about candidate James Lancaster and discover his support for our teachers and students. Between Mr. Lancaster's experience in the business world and his passion for improving lives through education, he is the candidate who has the vision and drive to meet the needs of our teachers and students.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gardens - The Martha Stewart Blog

Gardens - The Martha Stewart Blog

Being a caregiver means you have to work hard to relax. Between my allergy to grass and my son's autism-behavior, I have just discovered ways to relax...taking Alegra-D & Nasonex and reaping the benefits of years of behavior modification. My backyard and gardens will never meet Martha Stewart's standards, but it will benefit from her ideas and resources. Example, Miracle Grow and Scott's mulch plus lawn fertilizer makes my backyard a relaxing retreat from the daily grind. This is the first year I have enjoyed swinging on the back porch Sky Chair and gazing at a lush lawn and vibrant flowers. Luckily our neighbors have a pool with a fountain so they provide the water fall sound:) What are your secrets to relaxing, gardening and fighting allergies???

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Autism and Smart Phones

One of Autism's hallmarks is language disorder. This means the child's language development occurs not in a normal sequence, but in an out-of-order sequence. My son's language is definitely out of order and that makes for some hilarious phrases, observations and sentences. The other night he declared, "Mom, I need a phone that has an apple and is really smart." :o) He sees our family and friends call and text so now he wants to act like a grown-up. Curious thing is that the Autism spectrum is characterized by impaired ability to read and respond to social cues. With so many of us who are not on the spectrum and yet using texting and emailing, it seems like we also take in less on social cues, ie. facial expressions and voice tone. Maybe there is common ground for those who are on the spectrum and those who are not? Do you think people not on the spectrum enjoy today's technology because social cues are less visible??   

Favor your Feet

Feet take a beating all year long. Whether we are working on our feet at home or at the job site, feet can become stiff and painful. To help ease the pain, check out Better Braces for products to wear during the day and even at night. My UPS delivery man is on his feet most of each day. Between jumping in and out of the truck and carrying packages to doorsteps, his feet really do take a beating. He described to me that when he wears his night feet support and then stretches his feet first thing in the morning, his pain is much lower. Spare yourself one more pain source and take care of your feet. How do you handle foot pain?

Summer Sandals for Efficiency and Health

Last week we had a taste of summer weather. The Texas heat and humidity makes it necessary to take breaks from outside play/work...which means the boys and I run in and out of the house. Texas summer also means it's necessary to wear shoes/sandals outside to prevent getting bit by snakes, fire ants, etc. We take off our shoes when we enter the house to keep dirt/allergens off the carpet (where the boys love to wrestle). But who wants to mess with shoes laces all summer long? Check out for sandals from Crocs, Lifestride, Easy Spirit, Anne Klein, SoftWalk, Merrell, and Gardena (to name a few). This catalog also offers supportive stockings, which I wear when I stand for several hours in front of the pad printer (to create QCharm sets: And if you have a bad back like I do, FootSmart also offers LumbarWear back supports, which look like undergarments. How do you and your loved ones spend time together over the summer? What tips and insights do you have to make summer vacation fun and efficient?

Patience has its rewards

In my previous post, I mentioned that my son has a difficult time waiting patiently. So I had to laugh when I spotted this plaque in a newly received catalog (The Country House): "Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your kids." As I get ready for the boys to be home this summer, I am cleaning/staging the back porch and yard areas so the boys can entertain themselves while they wait for me to answer email and process QCharm orders. Otherwise, I fear that I will have to do most of my computer/QCharm work at night...yikes! I don't know if my boys will have children...especially my son with Autism...but at least I can dream.

Firefox Browser | Tips & tricks to help you get the most out of the Web

Firefox Browser | Tips & tricks to help you get the most out of the Web

Having taken some time away from my computer and my blog, I am noticing that changes have been happening. Looks like Firefox has several upgrades, which can be downloaded for free. So when I have to hurry-up and get computer work done (before my son looses patience with me), I can quickly access what I need. If you like to be efficient (and if your children have a hard time waiting for use of the computer), you may want to look into Firefox. I would love to hear stories of how you handle your loved ones' impatience:).

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Play Now! | HerInteractive

Play Now! | HerInteractive

For all of you storm chasers:-) My son is obsessed with tornado and storm activity so this game is perfect for him. 'Tis the tornado season...Yikes!

Youtube videos of our life with Autism

While searching for Adam's newest game request (Lego Pirates of the Caribbean for PS3), I took some time to create a YouTube account. Now I will be able to show you videos on this blog and via YouTube...with the intention of bringing a smile to your face, an idea to your head or an inspiration to your heart. My hope is that you will feel compelled to join us on our journey and to share your journeys with us. Videos coming soon:-)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My SOAR Ministry Program Approved!

I am so excited to announce that S.O.A.R. has been approved by the church I attend (Our Savior's Lutheran Church [OSLC] in College Station, TX). This is the ministry program I designed to link local and online resources with caregivers with the intention of helping caregivers manage their have-to-do tasks so they can enjoy their love-to-do activities, ie. attend place of worship). I have included a link to  OSLC so you can see and learn about the other worship and ministry activities. If you own a business or if you are a caregiver, please contact me or comment on this blog to share your ideas and enjoy our new adventure.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New! Videos coming to this blog.

As soon as I figure out how to use my new video camcorder, I will upload videos that celebrate life as a caregiver. (One thing my son has taught me is that life can be perceived in many ways!)

I invite you to join me and share your insights, stories, words of inspiration and exasperation. :)

Camp Life/Camp For All: Excellent program!

For caregivers, this Camp/program provides learning and socializing experience for children with special needs + caregiver respite. Our son with autism attended Camp Life this past weekend which gave my husband and I Fri pm through Sunday am to enjoy time with each other and with friends. We even spent some time with our 14 year old son :-) Thank you, Dr. Amy Sharp (Director of our local Family Support Network) for providing our family with this program.

I strongly urge you to find and use resources like this program so that you, too, can recharge your battery.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Thomas & Friends - Search and Rescue Station

Thomas & Friends - Search and Rescue Station

Does your child love to play with Thomas and Friends items? Adam has been a huge fan ever since he could grasp a small Thomas engine. He has now found this online store and informed me about this link:)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Caregivers and Clothing

Check out the link to find local resources. Also, stop in and shop at the boutique, "Jim.n.i" to find all kinds of stuff for your want-to-do activities. I realize that as caregivers we want to be sometimes we wear low maintenance, loose fitting, and perhaps non-flattering clothing. This is something that I often do. Why not find comfy + nice looking outfits that help you look and feel as smart and creative as you are?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Video Games and Visual Timers

I recently found this blog post regarding video game addictions and it made me think of my son. With Autism, transitioning out of preferred activities can be a challenge and being able to tell time can be another challenge. The combination of these 2 areas of difficulty can be the ingredients for a massive meltdown. To help my child see how much time he has to enjoy his game and to prepare for the end of his game time, I set the video timer to the desired number of minutes. This timer is battery operated and there was one time when the battery my son an endless 10 minutes remaining:) What other ways and tools do you use to help your child or loved one transition out of video games?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Celebrating Adam

The running joke in our family is, because I failed to write in my pregnancy journal for Adam (like I had in my journal for Kenny) about hoping that he will not have Autism, that missed journal entry is the cause of Adam's autism. In reality, he has chromosome 15 abnormality and that is his link to Autism. His birthday is this month and I want to express my gratitude for all he has taught me, for all that he has made me laugh about and all he has showed me. Who do you celebrate??? I'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

QCharm's Wristband Vendor

We are also fortunate to live just north of Houston, TX where 24 Hour Wristband is located. They are a great resource for me and they can be one for you, too. They have great prices plus no minimum order quantity. They also provide us with our key chain bands (which are excellent for those who can't tolerate a wristband). What fund raisers or gift ideas do you have that would be perfect for either the wristbands alone or with our QCharm system?

How It Works - QCharm - College Station, TX

How It Works - QCharm - College Station, TX

Please check out our website's video to see how to attach the flat surfaced charms onto our 100% silicone wristbands.
I personally pad print Dyna Vox Mayer-Johnson Boardmaker images directly onto the charms. This means you can select from our list of nearly 200 ready -to-print Boardmaker images to customize a kit. Plus, you can select our pre-fabricated sets. (The Picture Communication Symbols (c) 2011 used under contractual agreement. All rights reserved worldwide.)

QCharm: Augmentative Communication

We are grateful for the opportunity to be a featured company on ASHA's Buyer's Guide. Our intention is to help you or your communication partner increase expressive/receptive language, ease of task transitions, tolerance of environmental triggers, and behavior modification. Please visit ASHA's Buyer's Guide for all kinds of important products.

Trixie St. Clair

About - QCharm - College Station, TX

About - QCharm - College Station, TX

We are Updating! Thank you for joining us here at QCharm. We are updating our website ( and services so that we can better serve caregivers of all types. Through our QCharm Portable and Visual Cuing System and my newly created SOAR program, we will help caregivers easily manage their have-to-do-tasks so they can perform their love-to-do activities. Enjoy, share and contribute to my blog posts so we can all learn and teach new and exciting ways to ease caregiver burden. If you are a caregiver, please let us know your top 3 tasks you need help with ie. someone to play Legos with your child while you sit down with a cup of coffee (in peace) or suggestions regarding products that make life easier. We will look for possible solutions and resources for you to investigate further.

You may also follow us and join us on twitter and facebook (QCharm, SOAR, Denise Meissner).

I look forward to meeting and working with you.

Denise Meissner

Monday, February 7, 2011

SOAR Business Plan Drafted

Just submitted SOAR business plan draft to Our Savior's Lutheran Church's ministry committee chairperson. She will present it to OSLC's council members tomorrow. I am looking for those of you who can help me help caregivers manage their have-to-do daily tasks so they can more easily engage in their want-to-do tasks. Any products, services, links, information you can send me will be appreciated. I would also like to create an online community for members/visitors to interact.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Every Child’s a Star: The story behind the Autism Today logo

Every Child’s a Star: The story behind the Autism Today logo

For parents of a child (or children) with autism, this author seems to have a lot to offer. Check out her blog...I think you will be impressed.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Caregiver Support Program

I am creating a new caregiver support program which will unite caregivers with local & online resources.  Let me know if you are interested in providing activity management tips, links to online info, and even sample products/coupons. I will keep you posted on this program's progress. So far I have presented an outline to Our Savior's Lutheran Church's ministry committee (here in College Station, TX) and soon it will be presented to the church's council members.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Caregivers and Double Standard (Design Happens)

Design Happens

When it comes to being a primary caregiver, it seems there is a double standard for us vs. let's say, pro athletes or primary bread winners. When an athlete is coached, he/she is instructed to "leave everything on the field" (meaning give the game or event every bit of your energy, concentration, effort...). When a caregiver tries to hold down a job/pursue a career and then come home to their loved one(s), he/she may be instructed not to work so hard at the day job/career so he/she can have more energy for the loved one (you know, the job that often doesn't pay at all or nearly as much as the career pays). This double standard drives me crazy because I had to jump off my career ladder to care for our family (especially my son with Autism). Why was it not honorable for me to "leave every thing on the field"? Why weren't my efforts at work worthy of praise, awards, promotions? Because my field didn't pay as much.
Now that I am a stay-at-home mom (and have been since 2007), I have come to grips with reality and decided to make the most of the situation. So I am here to help other caregivers make the most of their time and energy. One way to save time and energy is to check out the products in Solutions catalog ( I just found this wall hook/basket combo that looks like a fantastic way to store frequently used items and to make these items easily accessible. I have already placed this item on my Solutions wish list. We just turned our foyer into a "mud room" to help get the boys in and out of the house on time (1st bus arrives at 7am!). What are some of your time and energy savers?? Please share your experiences as a caregiver.